The 3D Publication-Engine Research Project
    The research goal of the Virtual Publishing Company is to build a fast processing, high quality, fully functional and customizable 3 dimensional publication-engine.
    In a 3 dimensional publication, visual quality must be perfect, text must be sharp and continuous animation must be fluid. This puts a lot of work on the device processor to calculate and output a single frame in a fraction of a second, dozens of times in the span of a second and double that in stereoscopic 3D.

Attempting to write a 3D Publication-engine in a high-level programming language would result in wasting a lot of the processors time on unnecessary translation tasks. This processor time could be used instead to improve quality and speed by building the engine in the processor’s native assembly language and machine code. This approach exploits the full power of the device processor by using pure optimized assembly instructions to squeeze out the best possible display quality very fast.
The most important elements that need fast processing in a 3D publication-engine are a 3D graphical page turn and a 3D font typesetter/text formatter. Both of these functions are processor intensive but are ideal for optimizing into processor machine code. Both page turn and fonts are driven by plotting and mixing pixels with efficient mathematical equations perfect for writing in assembly language to get super fast calculations.
The Virtual Publishing Company has developed a number of research models to show these critical functions of the 3D Publication. These are detailed later in this document together with links to download them for demonstrations.

The All the tools for working with 3D publications can be built in high-level programming languages; it is only the engine itself which requires hard wiring to the device processor.

The Virtual Publishing Company has made enormous progress in the 3D Publication Engine Research Project. The page turn and 3D typesetting program design and main algorithms have been fully worked out and tested in models. The aim now is to perfect the technologies and bind them together into an all purpose 3D publication engine that could be adapted for different devices and operating systems.
We are at the dawn of the 3D display age with virtual reality, 3D TV and 3D movies. This project anticipates 3D displays on phones, tablets and PCs being commonplace.
    NEXT - The 3D Page Turn Algorithm